Jan-Feb 2024 — An Intention a Day

Anjan Kaur
20 min readJan 1, 2024


This is the continuation of my last post. This begins the mark of the next 30 days.
I love this habit. It has helped me keep focus and direction.

To recap, For the next 30 days —
Here, I am going to write my intentions & thoughts for the day

4/1 Update — I’ll do Segment Intending


We have got to do many things this year.


Bold&You Revenue— 1 Cr per month, 250 pieces sold per day
91250 =~ 92k Recurring women buyers every year

21st Jan Update — 30-day target
Bold&You —
Speak to 90 women for Bold&You, 3 women a day, 21 in week
Current — 9

Being with a supportive & loving partner

Cultivating Discipline

Earn — Abundance of Wealth & Love

Bold&You shapes up on Feb 20
Edit — Bold&You shapes up on March 10, 2024

22/2 edit — Dammit I want to experiment freely. I have ton of ideas. granted most of them would “aiven hi/ehhhh” but I want to experiment and try to my heart’s content. why can’t I? or there’s a way to do it right? which is sustainable.

29th Feb Friday

It’s Leap day!
Actually EOD. Today I wrote in my diary. I believe what I wish today will come true.
So my wishes? A few — But it boils down to being satisfied & content.
that I continue to make choices & work to being that.

Bold&You — community focused brand for Lingerie. Nurturing Community. 250 pieces sold every day. 1 cr per moth Profit.

Celebrating life’s small & big things, being my vulnerable self with my life partner.

Is today the last day for this page, I think it is. I mean yeah. So?
I am glad for my life. Ups & lows and some averages I embrace them.

[TBD] — conclude
Is it poetic — I started this page with vision & ending with the wish of same on Leap day.
Almost the same wish, I feel good about 2024!

60days of this year are gone!

28th Feb Thursday

Today’s Intention — Getting the right sample
Clarity on Bold&You
Bold&You content

Today’s Reminder — Execute Daily. One definite step. Show up.


27th Feb Tuesday

I missed by chance. I started editing then I slept.

26th Feb Monday

I am super late. But I believe in this habit of setting intention.
I am attending an important event today. BharatTex

Intention for Today — Establish Connections for Export Business. Find Collaborators!
Bold&You is on Map. Further solidify Bold&You
Also attend Fashion Show
Most importantly - Gain clarity and Learn. Learn! Being Curious!

Today’s Reminder —I am building my empire brick by brick. I execute daily. And make towards the life that is authentically me.Do what you need to do. You are Bold. And full of Right energy!

I am excited for today! whole new world, I am putting the foot in the door!

25th Feb Sunday

Today’s Intention — 
Get ready for Bharat Tex
Bold&You website work — spend 2 hours
Mood board print out
Content Plan
Talk to masadji's friend for export help

Reminder — Execute Daily. Definite Action, One complete step at a time. Show up Baby!

Edit — Hardest part about being an entrepreneur in early stages — answering the question — where do you stand? Where are you? How long?

24th Feb Saturday

Writing EOD, I am tired. what did I do today? Got my business cards printed.
My intention was to get the samples as well. But that did not happen. I am still hopeful. Why does it feel like that I do spend my time talking to people. And I do enjoy it.
Today I also attended very interesting workshop on human design. It reiterated couple of things — I definitely need to more spend time on what lights me up. I am filled with energy, and that is at it’s highest when I do things I love. Yes I have figured that out already. I need to build systems/or mindset to do the tasks that are required for me to do the things that light me up.
Okay so remaining Intention — Product, Plan for content, Website development tasks list down

23rd Feb Friday

Today’s Intention — Post on Insta, visiting card, designs, products

22nd Feb Thursday

Do you see the pattern? I am going to be super self critical here. This is going to be a long write up.
I missed 3 days of writing here. I am sorry. I was sick, yes. But could I have worked? yes. Am I exaggerating, No. Because me not working… I saw lack of motivation & low spirits in myself. That arose more from doubts and laziness. Well I agree everyone who says your mind and body affects so much of your productivity and creativity.

I missed my targets. All of it. 20th Feb was a crucial date which I spent wallowing, watching TV to take my mind off of things and crying.
What else? I wanted to apply for 2 accelerators. One of which had deadline on 18th. The other there is still chance as there’s another deadline.

Better goal, target, planning. Damn it… the list of things I need to work on never decreases. Is the needle even moving?

There’s something fundamentally amiss. This is a vulnerable post.
It’s easy for people to focus and finish up tasks. It’s not an excuse but this doesn’t come easy to me. and I want to cry.
One could then ask why I would put myself in such situations. Well also because I want to grow. and I can never sit aside. I have vision, goals that I want to make it happen.

My focus is too broad, is it? Still? Probably. I have no clue on how to make it happen. I am wasting too much time, right? why?
Leaving last 3 days aside. Why is that?

The above is my rambling. which I want to unpack, it’s gonna take time. So I’ll get to it, when I’ll get to it.

I want to repeat a previous reminder.

Today’s Reminder: Embrace the power of focused action. One task at a time, completed thoroughly, is the key to mastering the art of productivity. The journey to the next level begins with the commitment to sustained focus.

18th Feb Sunday

You know one of the very difficult tasks is to fill up an application that asks you about “what/how/why” of what you are doing.

17th Feb Saturday

I am confused today. I realize that it is very important to plan your next day, in the previous evening. Otherwise when you have a lot to do, you wake up with a lot of conflicting prioritize.
When will I learn to priortize?

Today’s Intention — To have fun!
To learn from the people around me. To learn to priortize
Post for Lingerie Designer.
Finalize 1 design — Non neotiable

Today’s Reminder — You have got this.
And Priortize Ruthlessly Baby. It’s on you to make your dreams a reality.

16th Feb Friday

I have been realizing that I am not utilizing time for my highest priorities.
Commmon Anjan, we are so close to Feb 20. So close. And it’s extremely important that I take care of things.

I want to make significant headway in my Products.

Today’s Intention — Get Manufacturer on Board. 
Get the samples successfully.
Productive & Positive conversation with Raghul & mumbai Manufacturer
Post for Lingerie Designer.
Finalize 1 design — Non neotiable

Today’s Reminder — Execute Daily towards the Goal. One Significant step at a time. Be Decisive. You are the leader of Bold&You. Act like one.

I went out on a limb today, and took a decision. A big one. Here’s to the hope that’s it’s a good one. And that I trusted right. It will work out. I want to update here in next month and be positive about it.

15th Feb Thursday

I am a bit confused. I think I am doing few things wrong. I am not sure what. This will take me a bit of time to unpack.

Going with the principle of Executing everyday
I am going to work on Design Clarification. And talk to 1 more manufacturer.

I am actually panicking.
What is it fear of missing out? As to all the things I am saving on social… even on medium. Will I ever use them? How much would I use them?

Panicking was actually for something else. it’s overall life.

14th Feb Wednesday

Happy Valentine’s Day! My last one in my 20’s. I have mostly slightly (a bit down feelings about that. )
Anyone please read any other my story on Medium. Not this one. I continue my diary here because this provides me with amazing direction and also ground me.
I have been able to pick myself up numerous time, Just because I never want to break my commitment of writing here.
Also it’s almost EOD.

It’s so hard to rely on someone else for work. How do you build your company? Your company is your priority. It’s understandable it’s not for anyone else.

Today’s Intention — For Bold&You, post an awesome Valentine Day reel… 
Do you love yourself?
All women's love shows through the video.

13th Feb Tuesday

My intention is to prioritize. Essential tasks. Clarity is my top priority. Scratch that…. Execution is my top priority. For that, planning and clarity are important.

Task that needs to be completed by Feb 20?

Today’s Intention — Company registeration start 
Competitive analysis done

12th Feb Monday

I have a lot to do. Which is good.
Okay so update, I am writing this at 6pm where I spent the whole day on something that is not important. which makes me very irritate and pissed off. Where does time even go?

Let’s not go into this Rabbit hole. Social Media takes a lot of time. So you have to make some guardrails & make practice.
Just a practice — For content, if it’s not ready 1 day before. Then leave it. So you only spend night on it. and that’s it.

My day time is so important for rest of the productive work.

I haven’t been able to complete last 3 days intentions. Not fully atleast.

Today’s Intention — Successful negotiation & talk with SS Manufacturer. 
Startup register — at _ <this is filled today>
My intention is to be Decisive. As the owner of Bold&You, I am decisive.

Today’s Reminder — Be very intentional with your time. Ruthlessly prioritize. One Focused Action at a time.
Be Decisive.

11th Feb Sunday

Happy Sunday… I would like to ask myself, where did today go?

Today’s Intention — Planning 
Final decision.

10th Feb Saturday

It was a good day. I am writing this EOD. I attended 2 meetups. Had a good time. Went to Gurudwara as well.

Productive work wise…. Still need to gather my thoughts.
I’ll sit after dinner.

A simple intention — to continue on decisive path. Be grounded.
Write your dump. Cleanse

9th Feb Friday

Today is a good day.

Today’s Intention — Post Gifting Reel by 1 pm
Fruitful & Successful converstaion with Sample Manufacturer
Over the finish line - yesterday's Intentions

I am a closer. Output Results & Consistency

Today’s Reminder — Iteration over perfection. Do it in iterations.
Important thing is getting it done.

8th Feb Thursday

I am writing this in the morning. Although it’s 10 am vs 7 am that I hoped for. I am seeing my todo. It makes me feel bad that I have same tasks as yesterday. That means, no definitive progress. That means I missed executing yesterday.

It’s been happening for the past week. Not a great start to February.

Okay, Relentless problem solving. Get into the mode. It happens. Point is I am back. And really Time is Precious.

Building in Public. I like it, the best way to make me execute at speed. It would be either here or on Twitter. Because I do have a bit of hesitancy about it.

Now due to one of my friends who I asked for help not showing up. I have gained new found importance and necessity of showing up always. As the organization head, that’s the most critical thing.

Showing up even when you are vulnerable, anxious and not face the world. It’s not you. It’s the company, job and the people who work for you. You damn well show up.

I need to clearly calculate my hours. The focused hours. that I am putting in. Before cribbing, or thinking it hasn’t happen.
Let me calculate the sweat equity that I put it. Each moment and each dime.

Today’s intention - Complete gifting reel
Company Registeration
Talk to 2 women for Bold&You
Schedule a dedicated time for existential crises & worrying

Relentless Problem Solving. Everyday be in Relentless problem solving Mode. Things happen. They with continue to happen. Make problem solving your default mode. And don’t forget timely decisions. Don’t put off decisions. Remember your promise to Darji.

Also, keep a dedicated time for existential crises & worrying. Other than that, focus on action.

Today’s Reminder — Relentless Problem Solving.
Execute Daily. Iterative steps, one after the other. A unique Path shapes up. Develop your intuition.

7th Feb Wednesday

Intention for today - Great talk with a Women user for Bold&You
Get Gifting reel sorted.
Later in the evening - sort out copyright issue for Bold&You
Products work - create a detailed sheet

Today’s Reminder — Focused Action beats anything!

6th Feb Tuesday

Where is my time going. I should elaborate on my difficulty. I am not sure what is happening. I have always struggled with timings

5th Feb Monday

A challenge and difficulty came up. I am not sure what it’s affect would be. I am worried.

4th Feb Sunday

Today’s Intention — make headway on gifting 
close the loop on Intimasia. by messaging and connecting with panelists.

Today’s Reminder — A moment is precious. Be present. And work on your dreams. Feb 20 is an important deadline. I have made promise to myself. I will fulfill it.

3rd Feb Saturday

Today’s Intention — Talk to 1 women. And over tomorrow atleast 2 more.

I should plan the questions to ask women. who to ask for my Monday video.

2nd Feb Friday

Okay, so I am back to work mode. Was super tired yesterday. I have another wedding to attend in next couple of days.

Intention for today — Designing & product finalize
Manufacturer talk done

Get brands to onboard for Gifting Guide.

Today’s Reminder — Time is the most important resource. Then it’s attention & Energy. Choose wisely. Fiercely protect your time.

Avoid Mental masturbation. Make sure you take action. And are moving forward. And work on having skin in the game. It’s much easier to earn then to save. Earn.

1st Feb Thursday

I decided to continue with this. As I had a continued target for february

31st January Wednesday

The last one this page. I would have written more. But today is my friends' wedding. So I am busy with that.


30th January Tuesday

Writing eod. couldn’t do a lot as I was at my best friend’s wedding.

Today’s Intention — Enjoy my best friend’s wedding. While keeping my head straight.

Today’s Reminder — Be in the moment. And you have got this. You have got your path. I am there. Execute Daily!

Take help. It’s not personal. Business needs logic & reality to pursue a passion.

29th January Monday

My best friend is getting married. So I am at her place. I am nostalgic about it.

Intention for Today — Continue to plan calendar for yourself
Prepare to hire. Prepare posts for musingsbyanjan - it's your happy place.

As you continue to walk on your path. It’s hard to know what the result would be. And that may lead to anxiety. Well.. yeah but isn’t that exciting?? I am making my dreams true, experimenting, and creating something unique.
Life can sometimes feel like FOMO. Especially when there are major life moments involved for the people nearest to you. Very Human. Those are the times when it’s important to remember your whys. And be happy in the moment. Be mindful. Choose Joy.

Today’s Reminder — Don’t worry, you are creating your own unique path.
Embrace yourself and the journey — the vulnerable you & the bold you & the imperfect you.
You’ll be nervous, you’ll be anxious with your head in your hands. You can be that, but what is non-negotiable? Action

28th January Sunday

It’s my dad’s birthday. I have a difficult relationship with my family. There I said that. again I hope no one reads. It’s not that we don’t care or love each other. I do not fit into the mold of a “good daughter” they have in mind.
I am a free and independent person. And I am not someone who fits into society’s role. Describing all this would take me into a rabbit hole. So I’ll leave it.

There are many things to do. I am wondering how to make my schedule more doable. I should make a calendar for myself as I do for content.

It’s almost EOD.

Intention for today — I am sensing anxiety within me. Face it. Ride through it. Executing Daily is Non-negotiable.
Planning week till Feb 14th.
Prepare posts for musingsbyanjan - it's your happy place.

Today’s Reminder — Keep Going. Execute Daily. You are building your path brick by brick

I have to keep this habit going. After Feb 20, I am going to write a separate post everyday. That means few things — and that is having a title & a story to write. Let’s start with Girl in the city series.

27th January Saturday

Till Feb 20th, it’s 20 days left. So the countdown begins.

I was sleepy and tired today. Took me a whole day to start working. But I am back.
So few things need to be done. One is also de-cluttering. And the other is organization. And then planning.
Today I let myself have a breather, and also let my mind adrift. Doing a lot of random things as my focus shifts.
I had thought that I should consciously allow that once in a while (like in a week or 10 days). So that I can ease the anxiousness of change & level up that way.
Now I am consciously going to be focused on action. Doing a focused relevant action at a time.
Being mindful of my journey. I love that I have so much to look forward to, and there’s so much I will build.

Intention for today — De-cluttering: a bit. Plan for valentine’s week for Bold&You
Opening my heart to love & care. Showing up even when I feel vulnerable is the place you grow.

Today’s Reminder — Time & Attention are the most important resources. I am making my moments count.
Accept what you want to build wholeheartedly.

Execute Daily. One Focused Step at a time.
You need to build a strong team. Actively work on It. Looking forward to it.

26th January Friday

Today’s Republic Day.

Yesterday I faced a lot of No’s. I had a task as mentioned below. I’ll update that in a bit. I am short on time.

Intention of Today — Talk to Women and Ask them about a 'Bold moment'
You know with a touch of vulnerability. That's where true boldness comes from.

Go to Lingerie Store, And talk to them. Be yourself. There's no ego.
You fall down and you try again!
And it's going to work out. Yes I am excited to show my ideas and products.

Today’s Reminder — Life’s actually limited. Everyday you are losing on something, you are dying. Time is passing and it won’t return
So respect it. And make sure every moment is what you want it to be. It worthwhile. That’s the way to be fulfilled.

Yesterday, I was more upset on the part that I did not try my best. I was more worried as to how I would come across.
It’ll be different this time. It will definitely be different.

25th January Thursday

Finally done with IntimAsia. It was a good learning. I met a lot of people from the industry.
I wasted some time. And I just put down Insta after using it for at least 60 mins.
I have a lot of stuff to do. I have to get back to the people I contacted at IntimAsia. Make a list this time. Learn from your previous lessons.
Then Twinkle’s card.
Then I am visiting the Kala Ghoda festival. I have to make a reel.

Today's Intention - Visit Kala Godha strategically. 
Ask Women the question - "Share a moment they felt really bold and stood up for what they believed in"
Minimum 3

Then I want to visit a lingerie shop to show my samples.

Today’s Reminder — On a personal level, open your heart. Let people in for your relationships. You always do that for friendships but not easily for relationship.

Be Bold, Be You
Hustle with heart, Embrace the bumps. Remember you are building your Life brick by imperfect brick. The way you want.
Execute Daily.

24th January Wednesday

Today I am feeling a bit unsure. It started last evening. Maybe because things got real. I want them to be real. Now I am not sure how to convert something at the end of the funnel. And then also I am wondering if I can make it happen. It’s an important time today. I need to be hyper-focused and diligent.

It’s an important day and I am writing my intention here.

I am meant to fly. The “what-ifs” don’t suit me at all. I am a global Entrepreneur, a person who makes it happen and solves problems.

Bold&You — It’s on the Map.
Mumbai is the city of dreams. I am excited for today. I am going to resolve a lot of issues today.

Today’s Intention — Finding the right suppliers & manufacturers. 
Putting Bold&You on Map
Successful connections | Finding clarity
Ask the Experts - What problems do they see in this domain.
How do they forsee industry shifting

Today’s Reminder — Things may seem tough at times. The Basic Principle remains the same.

One Focused Action at a time. Executing daily. The path will take shape.

Hustle with heart, embrace bumps, celebrate small wins — I’m building my empire, brick by imperfect brick.

23rd January Tuesday

Yesterday was good. Some downs… but mostly up. In the sense that it reinforced I should do it. And also that it would be difficult as well. Investment is where the opportunity lies. It’s a challenge & hence an opportunity. I am changing the narrative.

Today's Intention - Find Manufacturers willing to Sample. Find Collaborators. 
Designers for collaboration
Network Strategically | Products for Bold&You finalize
Bold&You is on Map

Today’s Reminder — Do what you need to do, to get where you want to go. Keep paving your path. You are Bold. Trust your instinct.
Start before you are Ready. Make it happen

I am excited for today :)
I’ll have more Clarity & Significant progress.

22nd January Monday

Today is an important day. So I am writing this here to set my intention. I am attending a trade show specifically for the domain of intimate wear.
Today, Establishing my footprint — Bold&You

Today's Intention - Clarity on Bold&You Products.
Network Strategically.
Industry insights. Find Vendors. Find Collaborators.
Put Bold&You on Map

Today’s Reminder — You are Badass Entrepreneur. Keep taking one definitive step forward at a time.
Prioritize Ruthlessly. Sell effectively. Believe in your Vision. I believe in it.

I am Grateful to make my Vision Come True. Mumbai Stay Tuned!
I am nervous & excited to update here tomorrow.

21st January Sunday

In Mumbai :)

It feels good to be here and I am still nervous. And I am calling myself out for last few days. Because I have important deadlines and work. Which I am going to do.
I am writing today EOD, as I was almost up 24 hrs, just sleeping bits here and there. So I slept in the afternoon. I did do few things & planned.
But the major bit is left and that is focusing on the trade fair. & finalizing my products. I’d be up for few hours. I feel really good and energized.

Intention for today — Finish Elevator pitch for different contexts. 
Decide Products

Today’s Reminder — One Focused Action at a Time… & you’ll soon see a path forming that’s uniquely you.

20th January Saturday

Okay so… tough write up coming up. 12 days of no productivity. I am embarrassed to write that.

I so wish that I would not miss this habit. I even just started writing only 1 sentence. As it meant showing up. Last couple of days I was annoyed and didn’t want a placeholder as a “atleast I did this” satisfaction criteria.
What should be my punishment?

+ve thing — I am glad I am out of it and working on my goals

The thing is… I am not sure how to explain. Sometimes this looks like plain laziness. In short: lack of discipline.

Intention for today — Organize my next week plan.

I am going to be in Mumbai. for the next week. So I want to use it well.

Today’s Reminder — Focus on Present. Because in the next moment it’ll be lost.
Execute Daily.

My Time|Energy is extremely valuable. Be super Intentional with it

Starting the 30 day count. 30 ticks till feb 20

15th January Monday


14th January Sunday

It’s Sunday. End of day. I want to write about my most vulnerable moments

13th January Saturday

Happy Lohri! Happy Makar Sakranti!
It’s been a tough week. And I am not sure why. It’s mostly due to me for various reasons. Why am I like this?
Does this week count as a failure? Maybe
I really hope no one reads this. But I am glad to be sitting and writing again today. Better than last few days.

12th January Friday

get back on track

11th January Thursday

Things have been going wrong, I am not able to think. I’ll get up and figure out.

9th January Tuesday

tough time continues

8th January Monday

tough time continues

7th January Sunday

Okay so it’s Sunday 7pm. But I can say that I am better today. Mindset wise too. Streamlined few things. Millions still left.

Intention for today -
To keep working on the clarity. & the goals. Relentless Problem solvi

I’d like to also make my — Post for hiring. And clearly outline the roles. And also get back to few people who are really important.

Today’s Reminder — Fail Fast Forward
Decisions are super important. Pending decisions leads to Anxiety
Execute Daily

6th January Saturday

Another bust day… what’s happening? 🙀 Common 2024… don’t be like that. It’s on me. I am going to fix it. It’ll be a different tune tomorrow.
Let me go and fix stuff… so that I am more on track tomorrow. You’ll see!!

Today's Intention - Relentless Problem Solving, Completing things one by one

Today’s Reminder — One Completed Task at a time…
& do some things actually require that much time.
Execute Daily!!

5th January 2024 Friday

Today was rough. I am writing today almost at EOD. Never want to break my habit. I wasn’t able to complete my intentions. And there were couple of things bothering me. And then few pending decisions.
I am sitting now to resolve this. So today’s intention I did not set. Or guess I should say, intention was to Survive!
I did reach to 2–3 manufacturers — all bust, but it’s cool.
I’ll keep trying until, being intentional becomes who I am.
I am living intentionally.

Today’s reminder —Listen to your inner voice. The worst you’ll do on making a mistake is, develop a strong Internal Judgement System!

4th January 2024 Thursday

Yesterday night I felt sort of — “down in the dumps” after a call. Some hard truths in that call.
I called my best friend, & want to capture what she said here. It’s incredibly motivating and uplifting for me. She said,

If I have any trust in anything in this world — it is you and your ability. If you ask me now, I would blindly invest everything I have in you. I know you, & you'll make it. And that too very well.

I’ll make sure I am true to these words.
Who knows how the future it, but people go & get yourself best-friend like that. I am grateful.
Repeat the following reminder to yourself, until you get it. Meaning until you implement it.

Today’s Reminder — Develop the ability to navigate the reality to move towards the state you want.
Be Hyper Intentional with your time.
Focused Action, Iterative Progress wins every time. Ruthlessly Prioritize.

Today’s Intention —

* Manufacturers Reach out
* Designers Get back
* Decision - project or not
* 30 mins of planning - `work on Vision to Goals`

3rd January 2024 Wednesday

Yesterday’s update — Decision is still pending. I made some strides by reaching that decision — namely scheduling couple of meetings.
And moving on to acceptance.
Today’s intention — Organization & prioritization
Today is always better than tomorrow.

* Make Dent in Production Process - Manufacturing & Designers Reach out
* Make a hard decision that has been lingering - to take on a project or not.
* 30 mins of planning - `work on Vision to Goals`

2nd January 2024 Tuesday

2nd day of the year. And already it seems heavy. It’s okay. That’s because my family is still there. And it is both family and work time. So balancing becomes tricky.
Today’s intentions

* Make Dent in Production Process - Manufacturing & Designers Reach out
* Make a hard decision that has been lingering - to take on a project or not.
* `Deadline`: tomorrow to make that hard decision. Because I'd also like to talk to couple of people. (I'll update here tomorrow)
* 30 mins of planning - `work on Vision to Goals`

Is the effect of Entrepreneurship, that I am more emotional? People near to me must think I am deranged. Anyways —

Today’s Reminder — My Time|Energy is extremely valuable. Be super Intentional with it. Take decisions accordingly. Prioritize | Iterative Progress

1st January 2024 Monday

Happy New Year !!!
Today’s intention is to spend time with my Family.
And to give 30 mins of work to planning —

- Vision to Goals
- Output focused goals
- Mapping goals to plan
- Plan to Detailed Plan

Today’s Reminder — Be Intentional, & Be Present
Execute Daily: Do Iterative Progress.
Show up (even with all yours vulnerabilities & insecurities) — That’s the road to Growth, Alignment & Contentment



Anjan Kaur

Just me, trying to make sense of anything and everything